The Mummy of Pemberly Grange


“The Mummy of Pemberly Grange” is a new one-shot available through the Miskatonic Repository for Call of Cthulhu. Put together by Type40 from Australia as part of their Seeds of Terror line it’s a very short scenario, perfect for a one-shot, but provides the opportunity to create a tense, horror-filled evening. It’s set in the 1920’s but is easily adaptable to most time periods of the game with no to little work.

The premise of “The Mummy of Pemberly Grange” revolved around the investigators being invited by their rich socialite friend, Jessica Pemberly, to a party to witness the unwrapping of a mummy she’s purchased and had shipped from Cairo.

So yeah, you can probably guess what happens but I’m not going to tell you.

What makes “The Mummy of Pemberly Grange” such an enjoyable challenge is the bad things that happen to the investigators right out of the gate. It’s pretty bad. And it gets worse as time goes on during the scenario. Investigators are not at their best as they try to survive and thwart the horror that pursues them. If ran with maintaining and upping the tension properly in mind, you stand to have a highly freaked out and very entertained game group.

It’s not an impossible meatgrinder scenario. There is a fairly direct way for the investigators to win. However,  it requires some thinking on their parts and even if they win, it’s at no little cost. The scenario comes with pre-generated characters, which is good. Without giving anything away, your players probably could use their own favorite characters but you’d want to talk them out of it. “The Mummy of Pemberly Grange” is more about the journey not the destination, even though both are pretty harsh. If you have a group that enjoys a challenge, this will make them very happy.

Aaron Besson